The school year has just flown by and it’s already Q’s last week of preschool. Hard to believe he will be starting kindergarten in the Fall!
Last year, his first year of preschool, I had found this fabulous idea from Pinterest – have every teacher from preschool to grade twelve sign the encouraging Dr Seuss book “Oh, the Places You’ll Go”. The book is inspirational and to have each teacher throughout the years write a special note to your child is just precious. How terrific of a graduation gift is this!
I can’t remember where I found this note, but it’s one I printed out and clipped to the front of the book, letting teachers know the what and the why.
So far, the comments have been amazing and I know it will be a book that will be treasured.
This is what I did for teacher gifts, both last year and again this year. Anything personalized is always a hit.
To keep in touch with all his friends from school, I got inspired with this great idea from Becoming Martha with her Stay in Touch cards. I wanted to make cookies with a little note for all Q’s friends. After a crazy busy weekend though, the last thing I wanted to do was be in the kitchen. Instead, I bought everyone smarties and attached a little note. Simple and quick but with a terrific treat.
What are some things you do for the end of the school year?